what can i do?How can i become friends with ';that girl';?
If your looking for a miricle answer, it doesn't exist. Simply stop her after class and say ';you know we've gone to school together for years and I know nothing about you'; then ask her things about herself. If she brushes you off she's not the kind of girl you need as a friend.How can i become friends with ';that girl';?
Be ';That guy';.
First thing stop being shy and involve in the activities that are happening in the class. Girls will react more to them who are smart and are confident. So change yourself first.
be cool, not be shy, make sure your clothes match
be courageous and ask her about homework or about a problem or something.
If you're that shy and you have no friends, then you have some changes to make before you give it a go... Unless her turn-ons include socially impotent loners with a love for calculus, then ur a shoe-in. Sorry that's the truth.
Look all you're going to get from people on this are jokes or F-ing cliches... Look you have to make large strides to be with this girl considering the shape you're in now buddy. Think about it.
okay think
if you fail you fail some one is better out there
if you dont try you will never know
if you win you did good for trying
okay got that good.
just talk to her say 'ay whats up, have you heard about...';
get it?
got it?
us girls really arnt that mean
we LOVE when guys talk to us
no matter who
espica;;y shy guys cause we feel special :))
I used to be very shy too, but once u start talking and making friends it gets so much easier. Casually ask something like ';are u getting this?'; or just start with a smile. If she really is a good person this shouldn't be too hard. Best wishes!
try to calm a little and ask her out!!!.
If you have been around this girl for so long, try to figure out her likes and dislikes. Do a bit of detective work. Does she read books for fun? does she like animals? who are her friends? Is she outgoing or shy? stuff like that....you will be able to figure out a good way to strike up a conversation
with her. Good luck, I have other ideas, but, no room here. E-mail me
Take it from a guy who has been there, you can overcome the shyness. In fact, my shyness never really went away, I just learned to deal with it. The most important thing is to be yourself with this girl. People are not stupid and will know if you are faking or being a poser. Just be genuine when you talk to her, and if she's into you then great. You also have to be willing to accept the fact that it might not all work out like the movies in the end, and that you just might not be compatible. Learning to take rejection for what it is (just a ';judge a book by its cover'; type of decision that doesn't really reflect on you: the person) is the best way to overcome shyness because it takes away, or minimizes, the ';consequences'; of going out on that limb. All you gotta do is be confident, strike up a conversation about anything at all to get talking, and it will take care of itself from there. Don't forget, she's not Joe Cool either, she may just be as nervous as you are!
well be confident and smile at her. start saying hello when you see her. once you do that be like don't you have like most of my classes with me.. then you start talking to her more. just be yourself, don't try so hard that you become annoying..
You have have to psych yourself out. When ever you feel fear or anxiety think of the word boldness. Understand that women think just like men in the fact that they will feel shy or uncomfortable when approaching a guy. A good exercise is to familiarize yourself with the word by writing on paper in big letters and saying it loud. This will allow you to find strength in the meaning of the word and may help you overcome some of your shyness. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO APPROACH WOMEN! She will not harm you and and think of something hurtful to say to her as a comeback if she tries to hurt your feelings. This will give you confidence. I suggest you think about what your going to say a try to be calm and smile but not to hard when talking to her. Good Luck Zach
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