Sunday, December 11, 2011

Shy girl.. how do we become friends?

Ok so...... there is a girl in almost everyone of my classes. She is really nice, and I really want to try to become friends with her. She i VERY quiet though and shy. Everytime I try to talk to her I never know what to say. I don't know if I should leave her alone, or try to become her friend. What should I do?Shy girl.. how do we become friends?
Just be polite at first. Talk to her normally, be polite and friendly. Try to sit next to her, make jokes, nothing offensive though, and ask her to join you at lunch or something. When you have to do a group project ask her if she needs a partner. Ask her for help with something (and if you don't need help pretend that you do) or ask her to explain a concept to you. Once you two start talking, ask her if she'd like to go out with you and your friends - don't take her clubbing LOL go to like a movie or shopping, something that won't make her feel uncomfortable. A good idea though: if you have a large group of friends, don't introduce her to all of them at once because she is very shy. Pick a few of your closest friends and gradually introduce her to more.Shy girl.. how do we become friends?
just talk to her....and tell her that you want to be friends with her! XD
Keep trying!
ok if u ever have a project in one of classes she's in...ask her if she wants to be teacher assigned me and a shy girl to be partners in the beginning of fresh man year..which was this year haha and now we're BEST friends haha. And ask her what she's into. I just expressed myself to the girl and she saw that i was reading twilight and i let her borrow it and she loved just express yourself and tell her about u let her tell u about her and see what happens

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