Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wat is the best way to become friends with girls?

i just got into high school and would like to be friends with a few girls but dont really know how to talk to them without them thinking i like them. any ideas? all r appreciated.Wat is the best way to become friends with girls?
Just be yourself...but one thing you should not do is things like looking for attention (I know some girls that age likes it, but not all - I never liked it for example). With looking for attention, I mean like removing their hairbands or do uber stupid things...but then again, try not to be too shy and neither too anoying - be yourself, they would either like you or don't like you.

Oh and don't lie to them to get attention and don't pretend since one can only pretend for a short while before your true colours will show.Wat is the best way to become friends with girls?
just be your self
Be nice and talk to them just start normal convos with them n you'll become friends
Girls like guys who know how to spell.

Learn to spell.

This will attract girls, they will be all like ';wow, this guy can spell 'what' and 'are''; and they will tear their shirts off and show you their boobs. Girls do not show their boobs to illiterate morons, unless those girls are also illiterate morons, in which case they should hook up and breed some more Republicans.
Dont act interested in them ';in that way';. try really hard not be honest right from the start and dont lead them on, dont send mixed signals. and if they still approach you tell them your just not looking right now.or you can pretend to not tonice if you think, they think you like them. Personally i would go for HONESTY. and when you are with them and you are ready to go home say things like ok i'll catch you guys tomorrow, or see you all at school. be kool and treat them like a friend. like one of the boys if you will. hehe

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