hey.its me. ok here's the deall!! i wear a lot of hollister and i own a pair of nike 6.0 shoes. but! i'm not really skinny-ish...i'm probably about 34'; around my stomach and my thighs aren't small either.but not huge either.and I'm short too. 5';1' it sucks too...i have a columbia jacket too an i own a lot of things any old prep would really have.but i just don't look right in some clothes because of my thighs mainly. i hate it.so am i considered prep? next question....there's this one girl at school,she is kind of a role model to me.shes pretty and prep and shes a lot like me.but we never talk.i think it has to do with her having a smaller waist and skinner thighs.... i want to be friends but i don't know how..were both in 7th grade too and i REFUSE to walk up to her and start talking to her. help? how do i lose weight off my thighs? anyone willing to go through this challenge with me? loosing weight?
thanks truly.means a lot.
NO RUDE COMMENTS TELLING ME I'M A SNOT AND NEED TO GET A LIFE OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT! ITS MY LIFE OK! NOT YOURS! I CHOOSE TO BE A ';PREP'; AND THAT'S MY OPINION! DON'T RUIN IT FOR ME PLEASE. im sorry for it having to be on caps lock but i just would prefer nicer comments. ok? thanks...remember i will take anoyone to go through this challenge with me...Am i considered a prep? and how do i become friends with this one girl?
A prep is someone who attends a college preparatory school (chiefly those on the East Coast). So, unless you attend one such private school, no, you are not a prep. Quit confounding the overuse and mangling of the terminology.Am i considered a prep? and how do i become friends with this one girl?
why are yu so excited about owning a pair of 6.0 nikes.? i also dont see how thts relevant to being a prep. and how do yu expect to become friends with someone if yu refuse to walk up to her and talk to her.?
yu have issues.
serious ones, my dear.
yes u are considered a prep and this girl you should just try and talk to her, sit next to her at lunch but be nice constantly. and if she dosent like u for who u are she is a jerk and you dont deserve her as a friend and about ur thighs...so what ik this sounds a bit selfish but just look around and try to point out someone whos bigger than u maybe but keep it in ur head, and then just look at how they walk around and keep there heads up high and doesnt care what anyone says about them, they may have a speacial thing like a singing voice about them
awww darling i totally feel you! ummm judging from your description i would have to say you are quite preppy in your outlook and fashion sense and yes i agree [not in a mean way or anything] that losing the weight off your thighs would make you much more attractive and self confident and you two would just click right away! best way to lose weight from the thighs biking/exercise biking [though NOT on a hard level or a level which strains your muscles as that'll just make your thighs even thicker and more muscly] - and once thats done you are just gonna look sooooo hot! mmmm pretty pretty preppy girls! [and no im not a pedo im only 16! and yes i admit it many seventh grade chicks are HOT!]
If you want to lose weight you need to work out. But you have to work in a certain range and you have to work out aerobically which means 40-60% of your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate 220 - (your age). So that's that for losing weight.
Now onto the preppy bit. Do you go to a private school? If you live in the USA then that's ok too because hollister and ';preppy'; clothes are cheaper over there. Here in England, the typical preppy girl would have blonde back brushed hair and skinny legs wearing just abercrombie or hollister gilets. To me you just sound like a normal girl who wants to look sophisticated, nothing wrong with wanting to dress nicely though! I would start off a conversation with her complimenting her outfit and ask some questions. Just sound interested in her and talk about christmas and what clothes are on your wish list etc.
Although, I don't think you should be too influenced by her, it's important to have your own style and not be influenced by the absolute latest must have fashion statement. Also, don't try too hard, people can always tell when you try too hard and there is a big difference between putting in an effort into looking nice and trying way too hard to be fashionable. And make sure you don't wear preppy clothes every single day as well because then people WILL start to think you are a little snobby or arrogant.
I wish you the best of luck :D
i get the whole chubby thing. some clothes just don't look right on people.
i try and go for loose but fashionable items like babydoll tops.
also skinny jeans would help your things.
i honestly dont believe in labels. there are ';emo'; kids now that dress in hollister and crap. its more of a fashionable store than prep
prep is lik polos and mini skirts and all that stuff
try a store like forever 21
theyre clothes cannot be labeled and look really cute.
they also arent super small
about the role model thing---- when i was in 7th grade i had someone like that. and then my freshman yr we started hanging out and i realized that she was just a regular person like me.
dont waste your time trying to be like someone. use your time wisely by finding out the person u rly are.
im 16 and i didnt figure out who i was until last yr,
u got a while 2 go
and to loose wight do some crunches
also try following wieghtwatchers
its easy to follow and u can eat w/e you want
I know this is not what you want to hear, but I am going to tell you anyways... so I am sorry. The only reason I am telling you is because I WISH someone would have told me this when I was your age.
Who the **** cares? Being a ';prep'; maybe the so called cool thing to do, but there is so much more to life. You are so much better than that. Yes, middle and high school are hard, but if all you are trying to do is be 'cool' than you are not going to get anywhere. There is SO much beyond high school. Your life doesn't even start until after high school. Have you ever thought of the kid who sits next to you in math class that doesn't have any friends? Or all the people you and your friends gossip about?? Do you know how many teens commit suicide over situations at school? Too many. My sister was just like you, trying to be the 'cool' kid. She overdosed on tylenol, killing herself. She was 17, I was 15. I pray that her 'so called' friends would of acted like TRUE friends. But all she wanted was to be popular.
I was the chick jock in high school. That was all I was good at, and that is how I was accepted. I was not the smartest, prettiest, or even the tallest but when I had a ball in my hand I was the best. Find something your good at, and please stop trying to impress these people. It's not worth it. And definatly not worth someones life.
I am now 23 and am married to an amazing guy. We are expecting our first, and are SO happy, and rarely think about our school days anymore. Your life is just beginning.
Thanks for listening hun:)
ok dont piss off the public. nike sucks. get some DC's or something. you are not a prep by choice, its who you hang out with an how popular you are. run alot and time will do it. your in seventh grade. you have time to grow still. and if you were really a prep you would run the school. and holister is for posers. A.E. is another prep store. dont be afraid to talk. if she doesnt except you then **** her! you have a life to lead without a stuck up ***** in it to ruin it for you!
good luck. and diet and running will do it.
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