Sunday, November 21, 2010

How do I become friends with the popular girl?

So there is this popular girl at my school and I want to be friends with her. I try to talk to her my hardest without seeming like a werido. This thing happend with this guy, and she thought I was gonna ask him out and he was sort of popular but she got me mixed up with another girl whos name is really similar to mine. I talked to the guy and he said it wasnt me(its complicated) and I was soo embarressed but now she acts like she totally forgot. I try to ask if she needs help with assinments but sometimes when I do I feel like I am the kid that does all the work and people copy off of them. She has other friends so she is always talking to them so there is no time where she is alone and I can talk to her.

WHat are some ways I can be her friend, and please dont say stuff like dont be her friend.How do I become friends with the popular girl?
that's being fake if you dint want the truth if you want to be her friend then you need to start up a conversation, help her but dont give her the answers on assinments.How do I become friends with the popular girl?
I say one thing be yourself around her. I for one rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not. And if your her friend and she does bad stuff just don't be stupid and do what she wants you to do, just walk away... plus you want to be her friend because she's popular? I used to be like that, but I learned I really didn't like her I thought if I hung out with her and became her friend people would look at me differently and I was right but I didn't like the feeling it wasn't a good one.

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