Sunday, November 21, 2010

How can I become friends with girls?

I've got a real problem making friends with girls. I am friends with plenty of boys and most of the girls I know are very nice to me and say hi quite often and things like that but I haven't developed a friendship with a single one so I never get to hang around with girls in or outside school.

I probably won't get to see any girls now until I start university in September. The uni is in my home town so I'm going to be living at home. So what is a good way for a shy boy to start making friends with girls?How can I become friends with girls?
hey =]

its hard making friends with the opposite sex. I've been in your shoes before, and yes i know how u feel when they say hi or start a conversation with you and you mumble....embarrassing much?

well the best advice i can give you (it worked with me) go out with your guy mates but invite girls you want to get along with , to come. See how things go. it might also help to imagine your talking to your sister or someone your close with.

girls don't bite, and if their the ones saying hi to you first then take that as a sign they want to be your friend....your a big guy now, pull your self together! practice makes perfect

good luck =]How can I become friends with girls?
You could try church. Sometimes they have events for young people. Its a good way to have fun with no guilt.
Oh you will probably see girls at uni!

Girls aren't hard to talk to, you just talk about pretty much anything. But just don't go for the polly prissy pants type, you know the snobs because they would probably shut you down.

You will be fine :)

Good luck!

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